Communication During Camp
We understand that sending a child off to camp can be difficult but part of the camp experience is going away and learning about independence.
Please do not expect to speak with your camper during his/her stay at camp because campers are not permitted to use the phones or have electronic communication devices at camp. However, you can let your camper know you are thinking of him/her by sending letters and postcards via USPS. Please note: each camp session is only 5 ½ days long, so please plan accordingly. Camper mail may be addressed as follows:
Camper Name
c/o Pathfinder Ranch
35510 Pathfinder Rd.
Mountain Center, CA 92561
Rest assured, you will be contacted regarding any kind of alert/emergency and you can contact us if needed. Please help us to keep our phone lines open in the event of an emergency by refraining from “emergency inquiries”.